HAI Omni-Lumina IP Driver

  • Provides enhanced security support through a new Security Panel main driver fully compatible with OS 2.8 and above. The previous main security driver remains available at version 7.4.x for pre-OS 2.8 systems.
  • Supports all Areas, Zones, Units, Codes, Thermostats, Macro buttons, Messages, Voice Messages and Access Readers handled by the panel connected to the driver.
  • Access Readers are supported with requests, events and by allowing door locking and unlocking under programming control (see the Programming section below) and optionally via the Navigator interface.
  • (New in 10.0.0) New lightV2 drivers with for HAI/UPB lighting loads (dimmer and non-dimming) with Button and Advanced Lighting Scene connectors.
  • UPB keypads connected to the HAI panel are also supported.
  • Uses an IP encrypted connection with the panel for faster and secure communications as well as immediate feedback on events.
  • Enhanced thermostat support, including presets and scheduling, is provided though a new thermostatV2 companion driver compatible with OS 2.7 and above.
  • Support for HAI’s Extended Range Temperature and Humidity Sensor (31A00-8) is provided through a new thermostatV28 companion driver compatible with OS 2.7.
  • Time and date are updated automatically every 24 hours on the HAI panel, and an Action is provided to update manually.
  • Provides a simplified installation, based on naming different items in the HAI configuration. A new “friendlier” character (“>”) may now also be used to indicate lighting units.
  • Zone groups allow easy but sophisticated control and programming.
  • Zone groups can trigger Control4 relays for direct control.
  • A Navigator Function allows the user to bypass/restore individual zones or all zones in a Zone Group.
  • (New in 10.0.0) Ability to send notifications for key events (Alarms, Arming/Disarming and Troubles).
  • (New in 10.0.0) Ability to turn lights On and flash lights when in Alarm.
  • (New in 10.0.0) Improved History logging of events, available in the Navigator interface.
  • Mirrored relay bindings are created for HAI Units and Access Readers (door lock) having a special name, with ability to control if end users may unlock doors via Navigators (without an access card).
  • Provides support for the HAI Two-Way Audio/Voice Alarm Module with appropriate connections.
  • New programming variables are set at the beginning of the exit delay for immediate arming feedback to the user.
  • New programming variables are available for each thermostat to report current thermostat humidity level and remote sensor temperature.
  • New programming variables contain the last User number (and name) to Arm/Disarm as well as the last zone to become Not Ready and the last zone to be Restored.
  • Programming support is provided to:
    • Quickly arm and disarm a single area or all areas.
    • Bypass/restore zones and activate Emergency modes.
    • Manage Access Readers, including ability to lock and unlock connected doors with an optional delay.
    • Turn Units ON and OFF with an optional delay.
    • Pulse Units ON, OFF or AUTO.
    • Issue Console (keypad) messages.
    • Issue Voice messages.
    • Manage lighting events, loads (Dimmer and Non-Dimming) and keypads.
  • Programming events are triggered when entry and exit delays start.
  • Actions (“Print Status Report” and “Print Debug Log”) simplify reporting of issues.
  • Includes the Domosapiens Inter-Devices Facility (DIDF) to allow other drivers to monitor and control individual elements through this driver (see detailed section in this document).